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Dr. Edwards Publications

» Hemorrhoids

HEMORRHOIDAL DISEASE is one of the most frequent, disabling, and painful conditions of mankind. It is estimated that over three quarters of the U.S. population has some degree of hemorrhoids. Patients frequently postpone examination because of concern about pain, hospitalization, and time of disability (loss of work). Delay in evaluation may lead to progression of the disease, thus increasing cost of treatment and complicating problems. Hemorrhoids are "varicose veins" of the rectal area. Their cause is essentially unknown. The tendency to this common disorder can run in families, but most experts believe that they are cause by a number of factors. These include not evacuating the bowel until it is socially acceptable, low fiber diets, the artificial processing of most foods and excessive use of modern pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics and medications that slow the normal motility of the bowel. Hemorrhoidal disease consists of two types: External disease, usually presenting as an acute thrombosed or clotted hemorrhoid with pain and swelling; Internal or "blind" hemorrhoids are far more common and usually present with chronic intermittent bleeding, tissue protrusion and leakage or soiling.

Treatment of chronic internal hemorrhoidal disease with electrolysis represents a therapeutic approach that is simple and is done in an out-patient setting. This approach is safe, usually painless, cost-effective and easily applied to the patient without loss of work time in most cases.
  • The entire procedure is done in the office. Hospitalization is not necessary.
  • The treatments are virtually painless with, at the worst, temporary discomfort.
  • The patient walks to and from the treatment. There is no loss of work time.
  • Results in the vast majority of cases are permanent.
  • Out of town patients are welcome, because the patient can resume usual activities immediately after each treatment.
  • This treatment can be used if other modes of treatment have produced unsatisfactory results. No preparation, fasting, or cleansing of the bowel is required, and the patient can have normal bowel action after treatment.
If you have further questions or wish to make an appointment, please phone our office to schedule a consultation at (775) 828-4055.

"No where in today's managed care, third party, media circus does anyone present the the patient and clinical practitioners philosophy... For years I listened to the insurers, managers, experts, professors, news pundits, bureaucrats and opinion makers. But I ultimately realized that I still had to sleep at night. From all third party perspectives any clinical practice is, in essence, 'anecdotal.' So now I listen first and foremost to my conscience. I had good teachers, good mentors and loyal patients as well. Although I think 'science' is important, technology, politics and economics are not science. The professional oath I took upon becoming a physician was to relieve patient suffering, honor those who taught me, teach those willing to learn and reveal no information shared with me in confidence. It didn't have anything to do with third parties. That oath is our philosophy at Bio Health Center..."
- David A. Edwards, MD, HMD
Intellectual Content: © International Bio Medical Research Institute, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Bio Health Center
"Quality Homeopathic Integrative Health Care on the cutting edge."

David A. Edwards, MD, HMD
McCarran Quail Park
615 Sierra Rose Drive, Suite 3; Reno • NV • 89511
Phone: 775.828.4055 • Fax: 775.828.4255

*This Consumer Information is provided by the David A. Edwards, MD, HMD, Bio Health Center and the International BioMedical Research Institute, a
501 ( c ) (3) tax exempt research foundation and has not been evaluated for content by the U.S.F.D.A., U.S.F.T.C., the Nevada State Homeopathic
Medical Board or the Nevada State Medical Board, but is the professional opinion of Dr. Edwards and the certified staff of Bio Health Center under their
interpretation of the First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. Dr. Edwards is a licensed MD and a licensed Homeopathic MD in the State of Nevada.
The practice of Homeopathic Integrative medicine is licensed in Nevada and approved by the Nevada State legislature.
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