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» Plaquex Therapy

The Use of Intravenous Phosphatidyl Choline for Vascular Disease


Plaquex is a mixture of essential phospholipids (lecithins or Phosphatidyl Cholines) made from soy beans. It is a new treatment from Europe for atherosclerosis - the deposit of fatty plaques in arteries and other blood vessels. The most important effect of Plaquex is its remarkable ability to reduce plaque deposition in the artery wall. It also lowers blood cholesterol and homocysteine levels. Studies in lab animals have shown that it increases life span by up to 36%. An important therapeutic application of Plaquex treatment is increasing the hearts ability to withstand stress. This application is valuable for individuals who have suffered from heart attack or other heart injury. The "atherosclerotic plaque" that blocks an artery is composed of many constituents, but in general has two main ones, namely cholesterol and calcium. When treated with chelation therapy the calcium is addressed. Plaquex addresses the cholesterol component. The cholesterol involved in blocking arteries is the infamous "LDL or 'bad' cholesterol." The "good" HDL cholesterol seems to actually help reverse the negative effects of LDL (bad) cholesterol. The chief constituent of good HDL cholesterol is "Phosphatidyl Choline," also called Plaquex. It is important that patients understand that Plaquex is usually not used as a substitute for EDTA chelation therapy, but is added to the treatment of some patients that would benefit for the effects of Plaquex. Plaquex cannot be mixed with EDTA chelation, so it is given on alternate treatment days. Unlike chelation using EDTA, Plaquex does not remove toxic heavy metals (ie Lead, Cadmium, Mercury). Instead, it appears to reverse cholesterol transport by creating surrogate HDL cholesterol which aids in the removal of excess LDL (bad) cholesterol from the arteries and also appears to lower the level of the highly atherogenic lipoprotein a (aka Lp(a). In addition, while EDTA chelation can only be sued sparingly in the presence of reduced kidney function, Plaquex actually seems to improve or stabilize kidney function in those with pre-existing kidney disease.

Mechanism of Action - How Does it Work?

Plaquex appears to aid in the removal of excess cholesterol from the membranes of cells and, along with existing HDL ("good") cholesterol, aids in the transport of free cholesterol from deposits in arteries, fat cells, muscle and connective tissue to the liver, where its excretion is enhanced. It also appears to lower the level of substance Lipoprotein a (Lp(a), which is a critical factor in the formation of blood clotts during heart attack or stroke.

Treatment Applications

It has now been established by European researchers that Plaquex therapy has the following therapeutic applications:
- Reduces angina pectoris (heart pain) - Improves sexual potency
- Lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol - Reduces high blood pressure
- Increases HDL (good) cholesterol - Improves impaired kidney function
- Improves walking distance in PVD* - Reduces homocysteine levels
- Improves memory and mental function - Protects damaged heart muscle

Treatment Administration

Plaquex therapy is administered as an intravenous infusion lasting 90 to 120 minutes. Since Plaquex cannot be mixed with EDTA Chelation, other chelating agents, hydrogen peroxide, medical Ozone or Vitamins/Minerals it is administered as a single agent. Plaquex therapy can be used as a stand alone treatment for lowering blood cholesterol, improving kidney function and/or improving memory. Plaquex can also be used as part of an integrated treatment program for atherosclerosis, along with EDTA Chelation therapy, Hydrogen Peroxide, Medical Ozone and Orthomolecular Vitamins and Minerals. Not every chelation physician offers Plaquex therapy. Because we try to remain at the forefront of treating degenerative vascular diseases with integrative methods we offer Plaquex therapy as an added regimen to EDTA Chelation, Bio-Oxidation and Orthomolecular therapies. Check with our staff or professionals to determine if Plaquex may be useful or helpful for your particular condition.

*PVD = Peripheral Vascular Disease

"No matter how skillful one becomes, the great mysteries of Life will always hover just out of reach. One can never know all the answers. In the reality of everyday medical practice, no one can guarantee any clinical result... but I and my certified staff can and do promise to try to help each individual patient to the best of our abilities, by using all our knowledge, skill and compassion. Having been trained as a 'medical scientist,' I can bear witness to the simple fact that statistical science and individual reality do not share the same experience. The Quantitative 'eye' of the scientist perceives a different Reality than the Qualitative 'I' of the patient. And yet modern statistical science dismisses individual patient experience as 'anecdotal' and 'biased.' Such dangerous nonsense has caused much suffering and harm. Individual patient experience is the only true measure of the Quality of care. Relief of suffering, not statistical significance, is the patients real quest, their only quest... and the true physician's ultimate goal. I believe it was in Plato's Phaedrus that Socrate's ask's, 'do we really need anyone to tell us what is right?' Homeopathic Integrative medical practice provides the patient and practitioner with simple, non-toxic methods of treatment for relief of suffering... a natural union of clinical Art and Science... the true essence of medical service."
- David A. Edwards, MD, HMD
Intellectual Content: © International Bio Medical Research Institute, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt foundation. All Rights Reserved.

Bio Health Center
"Quality Homeopathic Integrative Health Care on the cutting edge."

David A. Edwards, MD, HMD
McCarran Quail Park
615 Sierra Rose Drive, Suite 3; Reno • NV • 89511
Phone: 775.828.4055 • Fax: 775.828.4255

*This Consumer Information is provided by the David A. Edwards, MD, HMD, Bio Health Center and the International BioMedical Research Institute, a
501 ( c ) (3) tax exempt research foundation and has not been evaluated for content by the U.S.F.D.A., U.S.F.T.C., the Nevada State Homeopathic
Medical Board or the Nevada State Medical Board, but is the professional opinion of Dr. Edwards and the certified staff of Bio Health Center under their
interpretation of the First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. Dr. Edwards is a licensed MD and a licensed Homeopathic MD in the State of Nevada.
The practice of Homeopathic Integrative medicine is licensed in Nevada and approved by the Nevada State legislature.
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